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Bellbottom Farms  proudly offers correct conformation and Tiny Miniature Gypsy Horses.  The Miniature Gypsy Horses  have terrific minds and temperaments and correct conformation that wins ribbons!   Shown Below are just some of our breeding programs foals sold in the US and Out of the US. 


This is Oreo he is 3/4 gypsy sired by The Executive. He has a wonderful home in Iowa with Deb and Ken ....Deb runs a day care and the kids and parents get a kick out of interaction with Oreo. He runs to the fence when people pull into the yard "to see Him". He also is broke to ride now so the grandkids can use him.

Darla LIVES in maine with Ivy. Darla is The Executive x Bellbottom Hapenny.  She is a summer camp pony now along with Sunshine

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Rose is the bay roan she is a daughter of Cold Fusion and 12 hands tall.

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Bellbottom Tiny he is a son of The Executive and lives in Maine with Ivy's friend Barbara

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Ivy also has the half gypsy mini stud Bellbottom Spot the Difference. He is by Wyatt.


Rockaway Happiness the stud colt that went to Columbia who is sired by Bellbottom Tupenny

Bellbottom Boyo Rebel is deceased this year a freak accident. He was loved by Samantha Rose Pine in Florida  

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Bellbottom Stardust.  Her sire is Wyatt out of a beautiful appaloosa miniature mare.  Stardust is owned by Kathey Bailey of Mini Feather Farms in South Carolina.

Bellbottom Tyke sire is Bellbottom Tuppenny and out of a miniature horse mare.  Tyke is owned By Kathey Bailey of Mini Feather Farms in South Carolina.

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